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आप सभी को हिंदी दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ
Showing posts with label EngineersDay2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EngineersDay2022. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Best CBSE School in Mahendergarh Check Admission Facilities Enroll Now

Checklist of the best school in mahendergarh 2022 - a comprehensive list of the top 3 school in mahendergarh in Haryana with information on admission process, rankings, ratings and reviews, curriculum, facilities, contact details and addresses. Find the list of cbse schools in mahendragarh which are cbse schools in India affiliated to mahendragarh.  


Click on a school name from the Mahendragarh school list as well as top 10 school in mahendergarh for more information on admissions, fees, programs, school contact details, rankings, reviews and rankings of the schools in Mahendragarh. This list contains national and international education  in Mahendragarh covering the list of kindergartens/kindergartens/primary schools, primary schools, middle and high schools and K12 schools. For a list of schools with only preschool/preschool/day care: Best Preschool in Mahendragarh. The list of schools below in Mahendragarh covers all girls' schools, boys' schools and educational institutions offering day schools or boarding school in mahendergarh

Use the search filter top 10 schools in mahendergarh to find schools in your city or region based on school type (Coeducational or boys or girls), school curriculum (CBSE), school level, type of school (Day, Day-cum-Boarding School or Boarding / Boarding).

Welcome to Shri Krishna Sr. Sec. School, Mahendergarh, a School of Excellent Learning and Culture

Shri Krishna Sr. Sec. School, Mahendergarh offers complete learning solution to its students. The school has established itself as one of the Top CBSE School in Mahendergarh by following micro-scheduling that enables every student to prepare according to the integrated CBSE Syllabus. Shri Krishna Sr. Sec. school is one of the Best Co-Ed Day Boarding School that follows the best teaching methodologies that help students to reach their ultimate goal. Over the years, the students of one of the Best CBSE School have performed well in JEE, NEET and other national level examination.

Not only education, but we also look after 360-degree well-being for every student that aids in overall mental health and preparation for academic goals. That’s why we also include sports and other extra-curriculum activities.

Shri Krishna Sr. Sec. school is dedicated  to teaching children. We have specially trained teachers who can help your child in developing and exploring tender minds. In the pre-primary unit, our main aim is to nurture the mind of children with proved and developed physical, cerebral, and social skill sets. Your child is set to make a flawless transition for proliferating in schooling with our education environment.  We believe that quality early education in childhood can inculcate the habit of being a lifelong dedicated learner. We have trained our teachers to teach and care for your child in the best possible way as we believe Pre-primary and primary education is the most important foundation in the path of career building. That's the main reason you should enroll your child in our child centric education. Go to our website as Admission Open For Nursery now.

 We always maintain some specialty while providing education. These are as follows.

1.      Maintain a futuristic approach while synthesizing with the latest education system.

2.      With our latest technology-enabled teaching methods, the learning processes become enjoyable.

3.      Encourage students to think critically and independently.

4.      Our teachers look after every student and provide private counseling to every student who is experiencing difficulties in learning.

5.      Not only academic, but we also aim to build overall wellness.

6.      Our teachers encourage critical and rational thinking.

7.      We always try our best to provide all the positive aspects of traditional and modernism.

8.      We offer education with top quality science and computer laboratories.

9.      Our own safest and secure school transport system provides pick and drop facilities in every location of 40 K.M. from the school.

10.   We always strive to provide quality education in the best possible way for every student.

Effective school leadership

Strong leadership from Shri Krishna sr. sec. school’s principal and education committee members improve student performance. These effective leaders clearly communicate about their mission, goals, and visions with teachers to improve the skills of students, participate in research and problem-solving. We always keep high expectations for every student that have a positive effect on student achievement. We also design learning programs for students to develop their confidence and self-esteem. These seminars/learning programs also help in career building and later periods of their life. All of our teachers have a high level of effectiveness that helps in the study at more than the expected level. Especially when teacher evaluation and professional development aim to improve the quality of education, the efforts of students get shaped in the best possible ways. Our successful school leaders and teachers also help in setting goals in advance and effectively communicate them to help in constructing the learning abilities according to that way. School leaders are also open-minded and seek innovation in learning and practice. Therefore, when setting school goals, we seek feedback from everyone involved including parents and students. In other words, Student performance and effort from the entire school community works towards goals communicated with all those involved in the learning environment and the factor helped us to rank in top 10 cbse schools in Haryana.

High levels of collaboration and communication

Another reason for our success is setting up a school within a school i.e. making different sections based on career goals. This dividing has permanent and measurable benefits for the students. It also helps to divide students into a smaller group of students and gives them more individual attention to their problems and challenges. It is also beneficial for teachers who can pay more attention to them. For example, students who want to be a doctor, and students who want to study engineering or applied physics have very different needs.

Parental trust and involvement are also a critical factor in the success of our school. We believe, the trust of all involved in the school community is vital to the effectiveness of the school as it supports the hope of parents and teachers. Go to our website as admission open at the cbse school in Haryana now.

Last Updated : 15 Sep 2022

Engineers Day's 2022 | Top School School In Mahendergarh

Thursday, September 15, 2022

जानें किन की याद में बनाते है इंजीनियर्स डे | Engineers Day 2022 Mahendergarh

भारत में हर साल 15 सितंबर को देश के महान इंजिनियर मोक्षागुंडम विश्वेश्वरैया जी की जयंती को ‘राष्ट्रीय अभियन्ता दिवस‘ के रूप में मनाया जाता है. इंजीनियर्स डे के मौके पर आप बधाई संदेश इस प्रकार भेज सकते है.

 Engineers Day:-  आज की तारीख देश के लिए काफी अहम है । आज 15 सितंबर की तारीख को देश हर साल इंजीनियर्स डे के रूप में मनाता है । इस दिवस का आयोजन भारत के महान इजीनियर एम विश्वेश्वरैया के योगदान को सम्मान देने के लिए किया जाता है । भारत में हर साल लाखों की  संख्या में छात्र इंजीनियर बनते हैं । इंजीनियर्स डे पर श्री कृष्णा स्कूल ने भी देश इंजीनियरों को बधाई दी है । 

आइए जानते हैं क्यों मनाया जाता है इंजीनियर दिवस और क्या है इसका इतिहास.
भारत रत्न से सम्मानित थे एम विश्वेश्वरैया इंजीनियर्स डे देश के महान इंजीनियर मोक्षगुंडम विश्वेश्वरैया को ही समर्पित है । आधुनिक भारत के बांधो, जलाशयों और जल विद्युत परियोजनाओं के निर्माण में उन्होंने काफी अहम योगदान दिया था । उनके इस योगदान के सम्मान में भारत सरकार ने उन्हें वर्ष 1955 में भारत रत्न से सम्मानित किया था । विभिन्न कार्यों में निभाई थी अहम भूमिका भारत रत्न से सम्मानित एम विश्वेश्वरैया का जन्म 15 सितंबर 1861 को मैसूर के कोलार जिले के एक तेलुगू परिवार में हुआ था । उनके पिता श्रीनिवास शास्त्री संस्कृत के विद्वान और आयुर्वेद के डॉक्टर थे । उन्होंने 1883 में पूना के साइंस कॉलेज से सिविल इंजीनियरिंग की डिग्री हासिल की थी । एम विश्वेश्वरैया द्वारा मैसूर में किए गए आधुनिक विकास कार्यों के कारण उन्हें मॉर्डन मैसूर का पिता भी कहा जाता है । उन्होंने मांड्या जिले में बने कृष्णराज सागर बांध निर्माण में अहम भूमिका निभाई थी । साल 1962 में 102 साल की उम्र में डॉ. मोक्षगुंडम का निधन हुआ । 

श्री कृष्णा स्कूल ने दी बधाई 
श्री कृष्णा स्कूल ने इस मौके पर बधाई देते हुए लिखा इंजीनियर दिवस पर सभी इंजीनियरों को बधाई । हमारे देश के लिए एक कुशल और प्रतिभाशाली इंजीनियरों का वर्ग है जो राष्ट्र निर्माण में योगदान दे रहे हैं । उन्होंने कहा, इंजीनियर दिवस पर, हम सर एम विश्वेश्वरैया के अभूतपूर्व योगदान को याद करते हैं । वह भविष्य के इंजीनियरों की पीढ़ियों को खुद को अलग करने के लिए प्रेरित करते रहें ।